Responsive web design


Responsive Web Design is a collection of techniques that allow a website to flex and adapt to the size of screen it’s being viewed on. Someone opening your site on a small smartphone will be shown the same site as the person opening it on their laptop but the site will automatically reformat to give the user an experience better suited to their device.

No more loading a huge website and having to zoom in and out to find the content you’re looking for. Responsive web design takes into account interaction too and makes your site easier to use by acknowledging and integrating things like touch screens to aid navigation.


Designing for mobiles, smartphones, even gaming consoles, isn’t a trend any more, it’s a must.

80% of internet users use a smartphone to access the web. 47% use a tablet.  And 9% even use a smartwatch.

Being able to offer consumers a beautiful experience regardless of their choice of device means you’ll expand the reach of your service and the chances you have of engaging with potential customers.

Not only that, but as of 21st April 2015 Google’s ranking algorithm officially includes mobile-friendly usability factors. Making sure your site is mobile-friendly is now more important than ever.


At Jackdaw we design for mobile users first.

We like to keep our designs sleek and uncluttered, ensuring that if your customers have limited processing power and screen size you will still be able to get your message across.

…when a team designs mobile first, the end result is an experience focused on the key tasks users want to accomplish… That’s good user experience and good for business. – Luke Wroblewski