What is two-factor authentication (or 2FA)?

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is may be something you’ve never heard of, but I bet you’ve used it.

It basically means requiring an extra layer of security, usually a device of some sort that you carry with you – like your bank card when you want to set up new payment details online, or your phone for when organisations send you a code number to identify who you are. 

2FA is great for adding extra security to your WP login screen, and it’s easy enough to do by using, you’ve guessed it, a plugin. There’s a new kid on the block called Keyy which replaces Clef – for that you need to install the equivalent app on your phone. Or you could try 2FAS, or Google or Microsoft Authenticator, which text codes to your phone. Have a look around, try them out and let me know what you think.