Is it a good idea to publish the same blog post twice?

Publishing the same post twice could lose you Google points as you would have duplicate content within your site, but if you have a post that’s worked really well for you in the past, go back to it, maybe edit it if it needs updating and publish it again. That way you avoid the duplicate…

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What does the ‘discourage search engines’ box mean?

The ‘Discourage search engines from indexing this site’ box can be found in your WordPress dashboard under Settings>Reading. If it’s ticked it means that the search engines won’t list your site. Why is it there? Typically, you would tick it while you’re building your site so that the search engines don’t see your work in…

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How do I know which bits of my WordPress site to test after an update?

The importance of testing your WordPress website If you’ve updated your WP version recently you’ll be familiar with the success screen – “Welcome to WordPress vx.x.x”. Of course, that only means that the new version has been installed correctly on your site – it doesn’t actually mean that your site is still working as it…

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What is an ‘excerpt’ in WordPress?

Excerpts can be really handy in allowing you to craft a short summary of your post. The WordPress codex has this to say about them: “The WordPress Excerpt is an optional summary or description of a post; in short, a post summary. The Excerpt has two main uses: It replaces the full content in RSS…

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What is two-factor authentication (or 2FA)?

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is may be something you’ve never heard of, but I bet you’ve used it. It basically means requiring an extra layer of security, usually a device of some sort that you carry with you – like your bank card when you want to set up new payment details online, or your phone…

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